Silver Tree Wellness Center | Phoenix, AZ

The Ammortal Chamber: Accelerate Your Body’s Natural Ability to Heal, Perform, Recover, and Thrive

The Ammortal Chamber: Accelerate Your Body’s Natural Ability to Heal, Perform, Recover, and Thrive

When you're dedicated to your healing journey or determined to perform better, recover faster, and live longer, the sheer number of wellness therapies can be intimidating. With so many established modalities and new devices on the market, you might wonder…should I do acupuncture, cryo, light, sound, oxygen, or some other kind of therapy? You might try one or two sessions of a treatment without ever getting the benefit of a full regimen. Or maybe you end up doing nothing at all because you’re worried about wasting resources on something that may or may not deliver results.

Here at Silver Tree Wellness Center in Phoenix, Arizona, we understand the confusion that comes from having so many options and the frustration of not knowing which ones will truly work for you. This is why we’ve done our research and invested in only the best evidence-based technologies on the market like the BTL Exion, the Alma TED hair restoration ultrasound, LiveO2 oxygen therapy,  and more. 

And now we’re excited to introduce the Ammortal Chamber — a comprehensive human optimization solution that integrates multiple modalities into a single, transformative device. In this blog, you’ll learn about the ancient and advanced techniques behind the Ammortal Chamber, how these technologies synergize to enhance one another, and the profound impact they can have on your healing, performance, recovery, and overall well-being. Read to the end for our special Ammortal Chamber initial session offer.

What is the Ammortal Chamber?

The Ammortal Chamber is an advanced wellness device designed to optimize human performance, enhance longevity, and promote holistic health through a combination of non-invasive, scientifically proven technologies. It integrates photobiomodulation (red and near-infrared light therapy), pulsed electric field therapy (PEF & PEMF), molecular hydrogen inhalation, and vibroacoustic therapy — all supported by customizable guided meditation and breathwork journeys. These therapies work synergistically to stimulate cellular function, reduce inflammation, promote relaxation, enhance vitality, and more. Ideal for athletes, biohackers, chronic illness warriors, and those seeking regenerative health solutions, the Chamber helps reset, recharge, and rejuvenate the body, mind, and spirit​. 

What Technologies Does the Ammortal Chamber Use?

If you’re struggling with stress, inflammation, accelerated aging, or other health-related problems, the Ammortal Chamber may be your answer. While it’s not yet FDA approved for treating specific conditions, it offers powerful health optimization benefits through the following modalities and technologies:

Photobiomodulation (Light Therapy)

Photobiomodulation, also known as light therapy, utilizes red and near-infrared light to regenerate, preserve, and stimulate cells and tissues. Clinical studies have demonstrated its effectiveness in skin renewal by stimulating collagen production, which reduces wrinkles, fine lines, and scars. It can also activate hair follicles to promote hair growth and increase hair density. 

Athletes benefit significantly from light therapy, as it can directly modulate mitochondrial activity, leading to remarkable improvements in performance by enhancing the molecular energy processes in muscle cells. Light therapy also effectively alleviates pain, penetrating deep into tissues to provide relief for both acute and chronic discomfort. Furthermore, it is shown to reduce inflammation, making it beneficial for conditions such as chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS) by promoting cellular repair through cytokine expression modulation.

Beyond its physical benefits, photobiomodulation has been linked to enhanced mood and mental well-being by stimulating serotonin production, alleviating symptoms of depression and other mood disorders.  The neurological benefits of light therapy may  help to alleviate the chronic fight-or-flight response and reset the nervous system, supporting accelerated healing for a variety of chronic physical and mental illnesses. And these are just a broad overview of its benefits, with ongoing research into its effectiveness in addressing many conditions. 

Pulsed Electric Field Therapy (PEF & PEMF)

Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) and Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy harness different forms of energy to enhance similar biological effects and promote health. PEF therapy uses short bursts of high-intensity electrical pulses to target specific areas of the body, directly affecting cellular function and physiology. In contrast, PEMF therapy employs low-frequency electromagnetic fields to stimulate cellular activity across larger areas of the body.

PEF therapy shows promise in cancer treatment by selectively inducing apoptosis (cell death) in cancer cells while sparing healthy cells. It is also effective in pain management and promoting tissue regeneration. PEF can enhance drug delivery by creating temporary pores in cell membranes, improving drug absorption and efficacy. Additionally, PEF is being explored for treating neurological disorders such as epilepsy and Parkinson's disease by modulating neuronal activity.

PEMF therapy excels in promoting bone health, accelerating fracture healing, and improving bone density, making it particularly effective for conditions like osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. It is also effective in reducing inflammation, benefiting conditions such as CIRS, rheumatoid arthritis, and tendonitis. PEMF enhances blood flow, promoting collagen production as well as aiding in wound healing. PEMF also reduces muscle soreness, accelerates muscle repair, and improves overall muscle function, endurance, and flexibility, making it a versatile tool for enhancing recovery and overall health.

Molecular Hydrogen Therapy

Molecular Hydrogen Therapy involves inhaling molecular hydrogen, a powerful antioxidant known for its ability to support cellular resilience and reduce inflammation. Molecular hydrogen (H2) is a tiny molecule that can easily diffuse into cells and mitochondria, where it exerts its beneficial effects. As an antioxidant, molecular hydrogen selectively neutralizes harmful reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are unstable molecules that can damage cells and contribute to aging and various diseases.

By reducing oxidative stress, molecular hydrogen therapy helps to protect cells and tissues from damage, promoting overall health and longevity. This therapy also supports the body's natural defense mechanisms, enhancing immune function and improving the body's ability to repair and regenerate tissues. Additionally, molecular hydrogen has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help alleviate chronic inflammation associated with conditions such as arthritis, cardiovascular diseases, and neurodegenerative disorders.

Vibroacoustic Therapy (VAT)

Vibroacoustic Therapy (VAT) combines low-frequency vibrations with sound therapy to promote relaxation and improve mood. This innovative therapy uses specially designed devices that deliver gentle vibrations and soothing sounds to the body, creating a holistic sensory experience. While further research is needed, VAT has been shown to be effective for pain management, sleep improvement, and overall emotional well-being.

The low-frequency vibrations used in VAT stimulate the body's mechanoreceptors, which are sensory receptors that respond to mechanical pressure or distortion. This stimulation can lead to a reduction in pain and muscle tension, making VAT a valuable tool for managing chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia and arthritis. 

Additionally, the calming sounds used in VAT help to synchronize brainwave activity, promoting a state of deep relaxation and reducing stress and anxiety .

Studies have demonstrated that VAT can improve sleep quality by reducing the symptoms of insomnia. The combination of vibrations and sound therapy also enhances mood and emotional well-being by increasing the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good hormones. This makes VAT an effective therapy for individuals dealing with depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders .

Guided Journey: Intention-Setting, Meditation, and Breathwork

Whether you need improved sleep, a flow state, preparation for high-level performance, or recovery from an intense workout, the Ammortal Chamber offers personalized guided journeys that combine intention-setting, mediation, and breathwork to enhance your experience.

Intention-setting is a powerful practice that directs your mental energy toward specific goals, fostering a positive mindset and enhancing motivation. By clearly defining your intentions, you can create a roadmap for healing, personal growth, and achievement. This focused approach not only boosts productivity but also helps in manifesting desired outcomes, leading to greater fulfillment and success.

Breathwork techniques help activate the parasympathetic nervous system, inducing a state of calm and counteracting the "fight or flight" response. This practice boosts creativity, mental clarity, and supports the body's natural healing processes. Regular breathwork can also improve respiratory efficiency and increase overall vitality.

Guided meditation promotes relaxation and mindfulness, helping to reduce stress and anxiety. By encouraging a focused, calm mind, meditation enhances emotional regulation and resilience. It has been shown to improve concentration and cognitive function, leading to better decision-making and problem-solving skills. Additionally, meditation can enhance sleep quality and overall mental health, contributing to a balanced and peaceful state of being.

What Does the Ammortal Chamber Feel Like?

If you've never experienced these therapies individually, the synergistic experience within the Ammortal Chamber will be truly transformative. Imagine stepping into a sanctuary where every element is designed to nourish your entire being. As you enter the Ammortal Chamber, you are enveloped in a symphony of healing light, soothing music, and calming or motivating voices, all harmonizing to create a serene atmosphere. Gentle energetic fields and the infusion of molecular hydrogen begin to work their magic, permeating every cell. Deep vibrations pulse through you, dissolving tension and invigorating your senses. This holistic experience taps into the profound power of frequencies, energy, and vibration, leaving you with a profound sense of harmony, activation, and rejuvenation. 

What to Expect During an Ammortal Session

Since the Ammortal Chamber can address countless wellness concerns, every experience will be different and unique. You have to experience it to truly understand its transformative power. With that said, here is a general overview of what you can expect during your session.

  • Introduction: Upon arrival, a dedicated member of our team will welcome you to your first Ammortal session. You will receive an overview of the technology, its benefits, and safety protocols. We ensure you are comfortable and prepared to fully engage with the experience.

  • Intention: We will collaborate with you to understand your goals and current state, helping to set clear intentions for your session. Whether your aim is to enhance physical performance, mental clarity, energy levels, recovery, sleep quality, or longevity, setting a focused intention will maximize the benefits of your experience.

  • Intensive: During your intensive therapy session, you will spend 35, 45, or 60 minutes in the Ammortal Chamber. You will feel a gentle warmth from the photobiomodulation lights, a soothing sensation as the molecular hydrogen fills your lungs, and subtle vibrations from the dynamic vibroacoustics. This combination works together to stimulate cellular function, reduce inflammation, and enhance your body's natural healing processes. Many describe the experience as deeply calming yet energizing, leaving them feeling both rejuvenated and at peace.

  • Integration: After your session, you will experience a unique blend of renewal and tranquility. Our facility provides a space for you to ground yourself and fully absorb the benefits of your session. This transition period allows you to reflect and re-center, ensuring you leave feeling balanced, refreshed, and ready to continue with your day.

Each session in the Ammortal Chamber is designed to address your specific needs and will produce unique results tailored to your intentions. While each experience is different, the overall expected outcomes include increased energy, improved recovery times, enhanced mental clarity and mood, and an overall sense of well-being and harmony.

Who Shouldn’t Use the Ammortal Chamber?

The Ammortal Chamber is safe for most people, but there are exceptions. Do not use the Chamber if you have a pacemaker, implantable cardiac device, cochlear implant, brain stimulation device, insulin pump, or metal-based chemotherapy port. It's also not suitable for those with a history of abnormal heart rhythms, seizure disorders, photosensitivity, light-induced headaches, or genetic eye conditions. Avoid if you're using steroids, photosensitizing medications, have had recent Lasik surgery, lupus, photosensitive eczema, albinism, are pregnant, or have metal plating near brain tissue. 

 For individuals who are claustrophobic, we offer the option to experience the Chamber without activating it, free of charge, to help you determine your comfort level. Additionally, there is an emergency "off" button within the Chamber, allowing you to end the session at any time if needed. Your safety and comfort are our top priorities, and we are committed to providing a secure and supportive environment for your wellness journey.

How Often Should I Use the Ammortal Chamber?

The frequency of sessions in the Ammortal Chamber depends on your individual health goals and needs. For general wellness and maintenance, many people find that one to two sessions per week are beneficial. If you are addressing specific health concerns, such as chronic pain, inflammation, or recovery from intense physical activity, more frequent sessions may be recommended initially, followed by a maintenance schedule.

It's important to consult with one of our wellness specialists, who can help create a personalized plan tailored to your unique needs and objectives. Regular use of the Ammortal Chamber can lead to cumulative benefits, enhancing your overall sense of well-being, energy levels, mental clarity, and physical recovery.


The Ammortal Chamber at Silver Tree Wellness Center in Phoenix, AZ, offers a transformative experience designed to address a wide range of wellness concerns. With our initial Ammortal Session special, you can enjoy a comprehensive one-hour session that introduces you to the powerful benefits of the Chamber. Whether you seek increased energy, improved recovery times, enhanced mental clarity, or an overall sense of well-being and harmony, the Ammortal Chamber can help you achieve your health and wellness goals. Experience the unique and personalized benefits of the Ammortal Chamber and take the first step towards optimal health at Silver Tree Wellness Center. Call 602.675.0170 to book your appointment or fill our the Contact form below. 

